Master School of Piano Pedagogy
In accordance with clause 7, subclause 3 (§ 7 pkt. 3 statutu), the Podkarpacka Foundation for the Development of Culture realizes its goals by initiating and engaging in educational activities.
§ 1
The Organizer of the “Master School of Piano Pedagogy” (henceforth called the Course), which will take place at the Centre for the Promotion of Health SANVIT, the Cultural Centre (Dom Kultury) of Sanok, as well as at the “Wanda Kossakowa State School of Music” (1st and 2nd Levels), is organized by the Podkarpacka Foundation for the Development of Culture (henceforth called the Foundation) through the support of the National Institute of Education (henceforth called the Institute). The goal of the Course (MSPF) is to raise qualifications of its participants in their professional field by improving their methods of teaching while updating their knowledge on methodologies which pertain to problems in interpretation and performance.
§ 2
- The XIV edition of the course Course (MSPF) will take place 01-07.02.2025 in Sanok. The Course is tailored for musicians: teachers of Music Schools and Academies of all levels, along with students and alumni from Music Academies across Poland.
- Every participant of the Course will fulfill the role of Jury Member at the XVI International Piano Competition “Young Virtuoso”, which is planned to take place on 01.02.2025, as well as in specialized lectures, open masterclasses with esteemed guest Professors, as well as daily evening concerts organized at the SDK. Participants of the Course are welcome to take part in morning and evening courses organized by the Foundation: the “Medical Consultations on Rehabilitation and Exercise” at the Hotel SANVIT, and the “Historic Dance” class respectively.
- To take part in the Course, it is mandatory that each Applicant send their completed Registration Form by 31.12.2024 via email along with successfully paying the Registration Fee. The Registration Form may be found in the following link:
- Applications submitted after the designated deadline require the organizer's consent and an additional fee of 50 PLN.
§ 3
1. To participate in the Course, it is required that each Applicant to pay the following Registration Fee.
Participants from Poland: 700.00 PLN
Participants from Ukraine: 3500.00 UAH
Other Participants: 160.00 EUR
Deposited to Podkarpacka Fundacja Rozwoju Kultury; Address: ul. 3 Maja 15, 38-500 Sanok
PEKAO SA nr 87 1240 2340 1111 0010 5339 4009
Desciption: “MSPF”
For International Applicants:
No. of IBAN: PL 91 1240 2340 1978 0010 4831 7354 SWIFT/ BIC code: PKOPPLPWXXX
2. In the event that the Applicant resigns;
a) After 31.12.2024, the registration fee will not be refunded
b) Prior to 31.12.2024, the Applicant will be reimbursed the registration fee minus the handling cost of a maximum of 10% the registration fee.
§ 4
Each Participant will receive:
a) a Certificate from the Foundation verifying their completion of the Course
b) Documentation confirming the completion of the course in accordance mandates published by the National Ministry of Education regarding extra-academic education.
To qualify for the Certificate described above, attendance at the lectures and demonstrations which comprise the Course is required. Attendance at the evening concerts is not obligatory.
§ 5
- Changes in the Regulations for the Course are made by the Committee of the Foundation.
- Regulations of the Course are binding once the application form is received and will continue to be binding until its dismissal.
Applications submitted after the designated deadline require the organizer's consent and an additional fee of 50 PLN.
Applications submitted after the designated deadline require the organizer's consent and an additional fee of 50 PLN.
Applications submitted after the designated deadline require the organizer's consent and an additional fee of 50 PLN.
Applications submitted after the designated deadline require the organizer's consent and an additional fee of 50 PLN.